Rudravanti for treating asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia

Rudravanti for treating asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia

Description :

Rudravanti is a shrubby, diffuse herb, a few cm to 30 cm high, arising from a woody perennial root-stock. It is commonly found in India along sandy sea shores. Numerous stalkless leaves are very small, ovate, acute tipped, hairy or ashy-velvety. 

Flowers are small, white or pink, nearly stalkless in upper leaf axils, forming a many-flowered head. Sepals are 5, flower is funnel-shaped, and stamens protrude out of the flower. It is commonly in cultivated fields about Mumbai. Flowering: December-February. 


Details :

Botanical name Name : Cressa cretica

Common  Name : Rudravanti, Littoral bind weed

Hindi Name : rudravanti

Marathi Name : lona, rudravanti

Tamil Name : uppucanaka

Malayalam Name : azhukanni

Telugu Name : uppugaddi, uppusenaga

Kannada Name : mullumaddugida

Konkani Name : chaval

Urdu Name : Rudanti

Gujarati Name : Una

Sanskrit Name : rudravanti, Palitaka

Part Used : Fruit

Medicinal Uses / Benefits :

  • The plant has a sour unpleasant taste and is used as an alterative, stomachic, tonic and aphrodisiac.

  • A useful herb for treating asthma, bronchitis, dyspepsia, flatulence, colic, anorexia, anaemia, diabetes and skin disease.

  • The plant was used by the Greek physician, Dioscorides, as a suppository for uterine tumours, but examination for anti-tumoral activity has not given significant results.

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